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Student Council Elections 2020-2021


Last Monday, November 9th, 2020, the electoral campaign began at La Dolorosa High School, The third senior year students were allowed to present and express both their objectives and their proposals to the school community in order to launch their work plan for this school year, taking into account the virtual situation in which we currently find ourselves.

Three students ran for president of the student council, along with six other students between Second and First Senior Year, who occupied the position of Vice-presidents and Secretaries within each list.

After a serious debate and fair elections, the student community chose the list Nala as the winner, thus being granted the position of president of the Student Council to Paula Pazmiño, along with her vice-president, Yanira Flores, and her Secretary, Romina Morales. Renata Buitron, from Legacy list, was designated as treasurer since she got the second position in the vote. She accepted her new role with honor and as a great legacy, as her list name said.

Remember that the institutional vote is a right granted to each of the students so that through democracy, they choose fairly the person by whom they would like to be represented. This is a great victory, not only for NALA or the XXI generation, but also for the whole school as it was a democratic process.

Next, we will present an interview that we did with the current president of the student council, Paula Pazmiño.

  • What motivated you to apply for the position of president?

I have a lot of motivations, like not only to offer proposals that give discounts on certain brands or only to entertain, I really wanted to show that a revolution can be carried out in school, something that has never happened before. What I want to get at is that what prompted me to apply for this position was my desire to change that I had since I was a kid and that I can now instill in other generations.

  • What do you think was the reason that led you to succeed in the elections?

I think that what led me to achieve success was maybe my charisma on one side and on the other hand the fact that I have proposals that, as I answered in the previous question, were really focused on a change and not only on giving benefits to certain groups. In the same way, I think that my journey as a person, as an activist, as a speaker, etc. and one of the proposals that consists in teaching the students how to program, is something that focuses a lot on the careers of the future, gave us the total victory.

  • What are your goals for this school year during your stay in it?

My main objectives are to transform the school and put together a revolution of thought, that is, that people do not settle for what is written on paper, Of course, my goal is to fulfill all my proposals as they are stipulated so that the school can see that I am not a politician, I am not a girl who aspires to be a politician when she grows up, I am someone who aspires for change the world and inspire to have a more social than political change.

  • Do you consider virtuality as an obstacle to fulfill them?

No, I do not consider it an obstacle to complete them. I think that virtuality gives us both good and bad things. However, it is a little bit difficult because we need to search more media and much greater diffusion, we need to capture the interest of boys and girls, but everything can be fulfilled as stipulated.

Written by

Milena Castillo and Mónica Galarza

Senior Year B

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